Samsung Galaxy Core Touch screen Not Working Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Samsung Galaxy Core Touch screen Not Working Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Samsung Galaxy Core Touch Screen Connector Problem Jumper Solution Ways
Samsung Galaxy Core touch screen not working, Samsung Galaxy Core touch is missing from some positions, Samsung Galaxy Core touch screen jumper ways.
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Check touch screen of Samsung Galaxy Core, is it working, not working, or missing for some points. Make a screen test if possible and then try celebration if possible.
If you are looking for and having trouble finding where to put a bridge if the pin connector and touch screen is gone or terminated due to water damaged Samsung Galaxy Core0 in the water. This solution may help relieve your hard to find out where solder a jumper wire in it just to fix a problem touch screen not working.
This solution shows exactly the ways of the connecting pin connector touch screen design PCB Samsung Galaxy Core. You may just need to check the corresponding output pins cut if the connection already or have a circuit open, then solder a bridge over it, since it's only options.