Mobile Servicing Tips

Mobile Servicing Tips
Mobile servicing is a common think in our life. Life becomes many more complicated with mobile. Latest technology, latest feature, latest advantages increasing more attraction about mobile. Nokia, Samsung, Symphony, Micro max and other popular brand mobile phone have upgraded day by day.
Many more mobile with update technology will come in future. Here I will try to give a mobile servicing tips. I hope this mobile servicing tips will help you to recover some problem. In All kinds of mobile may occur a common problem like hanged, error message in application, can not run apps, restarting mobile etc. In such kind of problem a primary solution is to be patients, at first try to restart the mobile, remove the battery and set the sim and battery again, format your memory card, give flash in your phone memory, remove memory card and then set it again, In this way you can solve your primary problem of mobile.

If you dont have display of your mobile, can not start mobile its necessary to bring the mobile to the mobile servicing specialist. Keep visiting for more mobile servicing tips. More Tips : 1. Android Feature 2. Flash Your Mobile 3. Apps for Mobile

Battery life hints and tips for Android

Battery life hints and tips for Android
When a device registers with Mobile Iron it can have a important number of changes applied to it. These changes are delivered based on the configurations and settings setup by the system manager. Once registered, device can be doing a large number of different things and the impact on the device can vary from person to person and location.
With any device, when it does extra, it uses additional battery. In a effort to help end users understand what their device is doing and get the best out of it we have prepared a guide full of information to help extend of battery life. Many of the hints below are helpful for any Android device, whether configured through Mobile Iron or not. The following terms are necessary for note down : Exchange Active Sync Many users claiming to see a important battery drain initially will end up reporting a normalization of battery life after a few days. This is due to the complete recycling that has to happen during the Mobile Iron registration procedure. Aside from this initial sync, content that the device seems to have problem syncing and recycling can often cause substantial battery drain. If users are stating they are constantly getting error messages when syncing E-mail, Contacts, or Calendars, or if they see items that seem to "Disappear and Reappear", battery life could be significantly diminished.

 VSP Settings : There are several sync intervals that can be changes in the Sync Policies that can be adjusted to potentially amplify battery life. Sync on Low Battery - Adjusting this setting can slow down battery drain on a device that is already below a particular threshold. Heartbeat Interval - Raising this interval can amplify battery life; but results in fewer samplings of signal strength and network quality being uploaded to the VSP. Sync Interval - the frequency for opening the synchronization process between the Mobile Iron Server and the device. Having this setting set too violently can reduce battery life. The Client is forever Connected setting keeps the client connected during the Multitasking Sync Interval. This ensures better client reporting and is required for Remote Control. Disabling this can amplify battery life.

    Windows Phone 8 - Mobile Device Management and Smart Phone Problem

    Windows Phone 8 - Mobile Device Management and Smart Phone Problem
    With Smartphone Solutions technology partners industry-leading enterprise mobility management solution activates enterprises and public sector organizations to take full advantage of the new Windows Phone 8 device and application management abilities.
    Along with support for upcoming features to be revealed on release date, Air Watch will accept the public-ally announced Windows Phone 8 device and application management features: Company Hubs Device reporting, configuration and analytic Over-the-air updates to enterprise applications Exchange Active Sync configuration Enterprise and full device wipes SD card disabling With the Company Hub, Windows Phone 8 provides a central location for IT administrators to push internal application updates, securely connect devices to enterprise networks and send notifications and messages to specific contacts.

    Reference Smart Phone service is simply the best mobile email solution on the planet. I am constantly in touch with clients in or out of the office on my iphone and smartphone. 4s smartphone is a brilliant iphone companion. It has saved me so much time and more money. Well done on a brilliant service. Best wishes for Smart Phone Users

    Download Youtube Video in Your Android Smart Phone

    Download Youtube Video in Your Android Smart Phone
    This apps is suitable for all. Compatible for iPhone and Smart Phone. You can download youtube video from this apps. Latest version and update features are available here.Click here to download

    You can also download the video in the following way :

    type  ss  instead of    www.   in address bar in front of  http://

    More tips are available in this site and online earning site

    Android Apps Downloading Problem

    Android Apps Downloading Problem :
    All kinds of Smart Phone, iPhone, Android Mobile and others mobile is now most popular for updated apps, software and games.  Sometimes there are some problem occurs in Android apps. Such not installing apps, can not run, can not start or stop, hanged the program, downloading error and others.
    In this way the best solution is to give reset. In some download problem follow the rules :

    * Make sure that your device is on the list of supported device which means it's supported for use with the Google Play store app. You will get the list from the link 
    * For paid applications, confirm your credit card information is up to date by signing in google wallet account.

    * Cancel and restart the download.
    *  Restart your device, then try again downloading the app.Confirm there is have connectivity to either wireless or cellular networks on your device, and contact with your service provider if you aren't connected.
    *  Try downloads using both wireless and cellular network connections, and ensure firewalls aren’t blocking access to ports required for Google Play (TCP and UDP 5228)
    * Make sure that you have cleared the cache and data of both the Google Play store app and the download manager.

    Visit Settings > Apps on your device :
    View All apps 
    Select the Google Play store app, and then tap Clear data and Clear cache.Then, select Download manager and tap Clear data and Clear cache.

    Reset Your Samsung Mobile

    Reset Your Samsung Mobile
    Samsung mobile is now most popular brand in the world. Different types of model, different types of feature and for different types of apps Samsung mobile is famous. Android apps are so much popular that at first introduced from Samsung.
    You may face some problem in your Samsung mobile, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Galaxy TAB and Samsung Smart Phone. Also you can face problem by selecting unnecessary theme, apps and any other software.

    Just follow a simple step to recover such kind of problem.Go to your mobile setting go to phone setting select restore factory setting or reset phone setting type eight (8) digit password as 00000000 Click on reset or ok That all... your problem solved.

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