Apple iPad File Manager Access Problem Solution

Apple iPad File Manager Access Problem Solution
Apple iPad is one of the most significant tab and pc notebook for working. Its contains thousands of apps, programs and features. But to access to the computer its very big problem to access. There is no way to access file manager of Apple iPad Tab.
These Tab need to access from computer to import file, folders or apps. In this situation need a software to access the file manager of Apple iPad Tabs. Click here to download the software. Then go to the software open it, click on device, then click on import to insert file from your computer. Its a big solution to access Apple iPad file manager, Apple iPad data and all kinds of apps. So try it if you dont have the software. Otherwise Apple iPad does not give any permission to access file manager.

 Its only show the image file in the computer. iTunes will help you to connect with all kinds of file or folder. An apps is available named MyDisk in Apple iPad Tab. When you launch it, all kind of files, music folder, apps you can see which are downloaded or imported from computer.

Mobile Solution and Repairing Tools

Mobile Solution and Repairing Tools
Mobile solution and repairing tools are helpful and significant to solve any kinds of problem of mobile. Without tools mobile solution may difficult to all. New and latest mobile also working good with the new technology.
These tools are divided into two parts. Physical and virtual. Physical tools are Hot gun, LCD, Auto charger, Battery meter, Iron, Liquid, Data Cable, Flash Devices etc. On the other hand virtual devices are Flash software, Mobile pc suite, mobile solution tools, mobile repair apps, android apps etc. These virtual software are able to repair any kinds of solution. Also able to reinstall EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Program Read Only Memory) of mobile and phone memory of mobile. Many kinds of CH version and china mobile software also performs well with many kinds of china mobile and nokia samsung sony mobile.

Nokia does not have nay android version in the world. They have only Nokia Lumia of latest version. Samsung have launched so many version of their android apps. So that Samsung mobile is now popular than Nokia. In the meantime Sony Ericson finally changed to sony. All mobile and tab are repairable due to update technology of Mobile Solution and Repairing Tools.

Mobile Flash Problem Solution

Mobile Flash Problem Solution 
To solve major problem of a mobile its necessary to flash for perfect solution. Flash provides a new software for mobile memory. In this way a mobile can perform better again by the flash of EEPROM. But We should know which is the best  flashing box for China mobile phones. Also best Flash box for Nokia, Samsung, Sony etc.
Good flash box can perform best, which provides trusted secured and reliable solutions. Make sure that the mobile phone hardware is ok, otherwise it may damage for some hardware problem during flash. Very old mobile set may occur to the dead position. So we must follow it.

There are many kind of procedure now  for Chinese handsets. 5 years ago only one box was available named Spider man box, which is now outdated. So now it is always better to have a box which flashes all brands and models and also solves the faults. Suggested good flash box like below, you can use it...Download the file to get more help...

Don't Receive Your Mobile While Charging

Don't Receive Your Mobile While Charging 
Receiving mobile during charging is not secured. Now a days mobile is the most essential and significant things in the world. But it may be so much harmful for did not obey the rules of proper using. In the meantime some people have died for did not managing the rules. Mobile phone contains high frequency radiation. It provides high frequency to our body. Its so much harmful for our brain.
Also harmful for high frequency radiation for long time talking. Having some bad effect of high frequency radiation. The radiation can makes cancer also with high frequency. During charging the radiation increases and so much dangerous situation may occurs if receive a call during this time. So please avoid receiving call while your mobile is in charging position. Mobile phone may busts and human body may destroy or burn if the mobile received during charging.

Also it can create skin disease or skin cancer of a human body. This is the main bad effect of high frequency radiation. It proved with some practical experiment and world class cancer specialist in the world. So we must need to avoid the situation and also need to avoid long time talking to protect high frequency radiation bad effect.

VolcanoBox 2.4.9 World's Exculsive & Unique Update for MTK Android Phones !!!

Whats new ?

Added New Bootloader for MTK Ver 5.1344
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6517i
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6513i
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6573i
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6575i
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6577i
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6572i
Added New & Exclusive New type of Flash Memory of MTK6583i
Added New & Exclusive way to read information from MTK Android Phones
Added New & Exclusive way to Read/Write of MTK6572
Lot of other things are coming !!!

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Prosesor Octa-Core Siap Banjiri Pasar Teknologi 2014

Wow, Prosesor Octa-Core Siap Banjiri Pasar Teknologi 2014

DREAMERSRADIO.COM - Kemampuan teknologi komunikasi tahun depan akan semakin canggih. Kali ini MediaTek telah meluncurkan prosesor mobile octa-core pertama di dunia. Sejauh ini baru satu produsen asal China yang telah menggunakan prosesor tersebut, meski belum masuk dalam proses produksi massal.

Sementara itu, dilansir dari Kompas, Finbarr Moynihan, GM of International sales & Marketing MediaTek mengaku kalau prosesor octa-core tersebut akan mulai membanjiri pasar teknologi pada awal 2014 mendatang. Prosesor 8 inti ini akan banyak hadir melalui smartphone dan tablet.

“Akan ada banyak produsen ponsel yang menawarkan produknya yang telah menggunakan prosesor octa-core MediaTek dalam dua bulan ke depan, atau selambat-lambatnya awal tahun depan,” ungkap Finbarr di sela peluncuran tablet Evercoss AT8 di Plaza Ex, Jakarta.

Walaupun sama-sama memiliki jumlah core 8, tetapi prosesor ini berbeda dengan Samsung yang hanya memadukan dua jenis prosesor quand-core didalamnya. Prosesor octa-core ini telah menggunakan desain 8 core sepenuhnya.

Selain itu, MediaTek juga berusaha mementahkan anggapan yang menyebutkan bahwa semakin banyak jumlah core prosesor maka semakin boros. Caranya adalah dengan menonjolkan kelebihan prosesor octa-core yang memiliki efisiensi daya lebih baik.

“Selain kinerja mumpuni, MediaTek menonjolkan kemampuan power efficient yang optimal pada prosesor octa-core kami. Hal ini juga berpengaruh pada peningkatan cost effective, sehingga dapat membantu produsen ponsel untuk menghadirkan produk (smartphone maupun tablet) dengan kualitas lebih baik namun dengan harga yang terjangkau (lebih murah),” terangnya.

Dengan kelebihan efektivitas biaya, pabrikan asal Taiwan ini juga menegaskan untuk merasakan perangkat smartphone maupun tablet dengan kinerja yang cepat, pengguna tidak harus mengeluarkan biaya yang mahal.

World's 1st Unique & Very Exclusive GPGeMMC v1.11 Whole Boot Area Size Change of eMMC

GPGeMMC Team Very Happy to Introduce you
The World's 1st & Unique & Very Exclusive
Whole Boot Area/Sector/Region Size Change of eMMC !!!
( Boot1, Boot2, RPMB )

What is it ?
**By Changing Boot Area/Sector/Region Size you can solve lot of problems, such as...
**If you got Mobile that just Looping on Samsung logo and Writing file not solved there is chances &
possibilities if you change it's boot Area/Sector/Region size and write boot file can solve the problem.
**If you got Mobile that can't write boot files there is chances & possibilities if you change it's boot Area/Sector/Region size and write boot file can solve the problem.
**If you got Mobile which create Partitions problems and can't be solve with Flashing even with PIT file and Boot repair also not helps there is chances & possibilities if you change it's boot Area/Sector/Region size and write boot file can solve the problem.
**You can change eMMC ic from one phone to another phone. for example you have to change eMMC ic of Samsung S4 I9500 but you don't have Same Emmc ic. you can take eMMC ic from Samsung S3 i9300 and Sold it on Samsung S4 for fix the Problems.
**There is also many problems can be fix by
Changing Boot Area/Sector/Region Size !! as We Research Alot So as you guys Will test it and Report we can Solve and Improve lot of things !!

How to Change Boot Area/Sector/Region Size