symphony d70 Ringer solution

symphony d70 Ringer solution

Dear EveryAll,
              Today i will share you symphony d70 Ringer solution. its ringer problem is very common problem. when a phone is this problem then it has no sound,or low sound or bad noise. if your phone "No sound" then maximum time is damage speker. when damage speker,then change speker. but when damage ringer IC or Ringer related parts then its repair a little dificult. However, it is easy to be able to experts. Now, i will share  you symphony d70 Ringer solution.

Please see the image bellow :

symphony d70 Ringer problem solution

How to done this work : if you face this problem then step One check speker. if damage it please change it.
speker is ok but problem still then apply second step. second step you check Red line ways if they are
ok but problem same then Rehot sound is or Replace it .

Ridoy Sirajgonj Network,BD

symphony d70 network solution

symphony d70 network solution

Dear Learner,

             Today I will share you symphony d70 network solution. Network problem repair is very dificult.
but expert repair this problem very easily. So, this problem repairable. When we face symphony d70 network problem.
then phone has no network or Emergency call or fall failed. Now i showing this solution.

at first see the image bellow :
symphony d70 emerjency call,call fail,no network

How to done this work :  If you face this problem First Rehot PA and see result. if problem still then
Replace PA and see result. if problem still then apply second solution then Rehot Red mark 2 IC.
i will sure its work 10000%.

Best Regards
Ridoy Sirajgonj Network,BD

nokia 2700c 5130-c motherboard short solution

nokia 2700c 5130-c motherboard short solution

Today i will share you How to repair nokia 2700c 5130-c motherboard short solution.
may be this problem find-out is very dificult but no tension. its find-out is very easily.
if you face this can make this solution very easily.

 see the image bellow :

nokia 2700c 5130-c motherboard short problem

Nokia 208 usb ways solution

Nokia 208 usb ways solution

Dear all,

              Today i will share you how to repair Nokia 208 usb ways solution. this solution is very helpful to Everybody. any one can make this jumper.this solution nokia 208 usb ways solution. its may be broken or damage usb line. when it damage or broken line then need line ways. Now, i will share you, how to nokia 208 micro usb ways solution. at first see the bellow diagram image and then work.

Please see the image :

Nokia 208 usb ways problem solution