Oppo Flash Tool R1001 JOY Firmware Download

Oppo Flash Tool R1001 Firmware Download  :

Firmware A.03 (OTA)
Firmware : JOY Flash Firmware
Model : R1001
Version : 11.A.03
File Size : 545.05 MB
Update : 2014-07-04

Click Here To Download

Flash Tool Firmware Download

Save your smart phone from unauthorized access

 Save your smart phone from unauthorized access :
Introduction :
In our world there are many kinds of smart phone users are available. Android mobile iPhone and thousands of china smart phone gathered around the world. Some smart phone able to fill up customer satisfaction. They are providing many features,  many apps, user friendly tools and attractive innovation of  new technology. 

Smart Phone Problems :
Peoples are facing some common problem during using smart phones. Over heating the phone motherboard, does not properly using apps,  USB data cable and flash firmware recovery, these problems are occurred at home and abroad during using smart phone. Peoples are facing also does not matching software version also. So that some android mobile is shutting down during working on,  some are becomes hot during using internet   since long time. 

Smart Phone Solutions :
Here a biggest solution is version change. You have to change version for proper using. Good brand such as Samsung,  Nokia, htc, LG, Huawei, oppo, Intex, maximus, symphony, micromax  etc they also faced it. In this step in some good brand smartphones kitkat version was not perfect for longtime internet browsing. Here the best solution is lollipop version. If your are using kitkat version for your smart phone,  then to get better performance just change the version to lollipop. The upgrade version will be better for you. 

iPhone Smart Phone Problem and Solutions :
iPhone contains own operating system. Camera quality,  self resource., own operating  system and extra ordinary  tools are best feature of iPhone. But you have to face Problem during iPhone using due to not be able for resource sharing, unsupported tools with available android phones and not user friendly with other smart hone. Also problem during internal communication between different device.

Critical Problem and Common Solutions for Cell Phone :
We are facing critical problem many times. But you can solve thousand of  problem of different smart phone and iPhones. Just Follow these rules and keep your smart phone alive forever...

=== Restart your mobile  if error message occurs
=== Switching off when apps are not working 
=== Restore factory setting can solve your problem. 
=== Don't charge your mobile whole night, charge only 2-3 hours.
=== Don't make empty of your battery
=== Do not install unnecessary and unknown apps

So you will be able e to know many problem and many solution and hundred of trouble you can recover of your smart phone and android mobile. You can gather more experience by it which is need in future revolution.

Follow the guidelines, save your smartphone from all problems. Best of luck...

Asus zenfone 5 hardriset

Kali ini mendapatkan hp asus zenfone 5 lupa kata sandi langsung aja ya 

1. Tekan tombol power di iringi dengan volume up/+  hingga hp bergetar 
2. Langsung lepas tombol power tetap menahan tombol volume up nya 

 3. Lepas semua tombol setelah keluar droidboot 
4. Pilih factory riset 

5. Hp akan restart dan akhirnya eng ing eng .... 

Koteksi jika salah kawan ..... 

Hard reset advan T2G yg lupa password lock screen ....

Langsung aja bos ya .... 
Bagi anda yg memiliki advan T2G lupa password cara mereset adalah 

Matikan perangkat, tekan tombol power di ikuti menekan tombol volume atas, 

Muncul recovery mode 
Pilih wipe all data 

Tunggu hingga selesai, pastikan tdk ada yg error 

Akhirnya ..... Cap cuuusss .... Top markotop ..... 

Asiafone AF9190 lupa akun gmail/Reset akun Gmail menggunakan VOLCANO BOX

Assalamu'alaikum All 
Masuk kasus Asiafone AF 9190 terkunci akun gmail 

Step by stepnya 
1. Sambungkan hp melalui port Volcano box 

2. Buka software volcano, pilih tab SPD, setting boot pilih built in boot_14 (6820/8810). Centang one-key root, centang jga auto detect pinout, klik run jangan lupa sambil menekan tombol volume bawah. Kalau error mainkan baud rate nya. 

3. Tunggu sampai selesai 

4. Sukses 

Sekian kawan ..... Semoga membantu .....

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Cara flash evercoss A75g

Sekedar oret oretan dari saya technisi hp yg berasal dari desa ..... Hehehehe 

Disini saya menjumpai evercoss yg terkena malware2 gampangannya virus hehehe. Pokoknya kendala dari malware ini bikin galau hp nya hahahaha. 

Dengan mengeflash hp banyak hal yg bsa di sembuhkan dg cara ini. Di antaranya bisa mmperbaiki hang logo, lupa pasword, atau sering restart. Dengan satu catatan asal tdak ada kendala dari haedwarenya. 

Langsung aja untuk tipe evercoss a75g ini menggunakan CpU SC77xx. Minimal menggunakan software Upgrade Download R2.9.9015 silahkan search di goolge banyak hehehe. 

Lepas pasang lg batre 
Tekan volume up dan down 
Masukkan usb 

Tunggu sampai terbaca . Masalah firmware di needroom banyak .. 

Penampakan hasil setelah di flash ....

Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan...